2020 International Health Conference                             24th - 26th June 2020                                                     

Health Congress Practicalities

Receipts for registrations and confirmation of congress attendance will be provided. Letters of invitation will be sent if requested. Additionally, we are constantly pinging search engines to ensure our event reaches a wider audience.

Health conference speakers are given 20 minutes for their papers and extra 5 minutes for questions by the audience. Powerpoints or similar may be required to be sent a few days in advance of the conference and there will be helpers to assist with loading of powerpoints etc.

Poster boards will be available for any posters you would like to exhibit. The boards will be 1m wide x 2m long so - we therefore ask that your posters be designed to fit within these limits. Velcro fastenings will be provided.

Conference information is provided through the website. All the information about registration methods and costs is on the Conference Registration page. Information about the speakers and programme is on the About page, the Home page, or the Speakers page. Additional information about accommodation is on the Venue page and a summary of the timeline is presented on this page.

Please consult the frequently asked question section found here, prior to contacting the conference team.

Unfortunately it is not possible to subsidise delegate participation in the form of a grant or fee waiver.

For enquiries concerning practical details, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected].


14th Oct 2019
First Call for Abstracts Opens 

9th May 2020
Registration for Speakers Closes

20th May 2020 (latest)
Programme published

24th -26th June 2020
Contributed presentations and opening session from 9am approximately - final session and prize giving takes place on 26th of June.

International Health Conference
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