2018 International Health Congress                             28th - 30th June 2018                                                     

Chaired by Professor Ewen Ferlie of King's College London Department of Management, the second London-based International Health Conference brought together researchers aiming to promote health and wellbeing through improved health services in Europe and around the world.

The 2016 conference in London welcomed delegates from across 40 countries presenting over 160 oral and poster presentations. Invited speakers included: David Armstrong, King's College London, Pamela Riley, The Commonweath Foundation, Graham Thornicroft, King's College London, Rosalind Raine, University College London, Ricardo Araya, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Jennifer Dixon, The Health Foundation, Tim Rhodes, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Jo Rycroft-Malone, Bangor University, Ian Kessler, King's College London, Vjenka Garms-Homolova, Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft in Berlin.

The event highlighted the link between research and practice by gathering together a wide range of papers on health and health services research close to practice and/or policy. Coming from the full range of allied disciplines including primary care, acute medicine, public health, psychiatry, paediatrics, and ageing as well as economics, psychology, statistics, social science and ethics, clinical trial design, health informatics and implementation research the conference represented a cross-discipllinary approach.

For further details on the 2016 conference please see the below link:

Conference Program

Book of Abstracts

Delegates Experience

Delegates speak about their experience at the 2016 International Health Conference held at King's College London
International Health Conference
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